Tinbergen's continued relevancePeter Cornelisse in memoriam, Dec. '24Peter Cornelisse, who was an enormous help during my biography project about Tinbergen, passed away early December of this year. The Erasmus University has a brief in memoriam of him online.
Tinbergen bio shortlisted for Boerhaave Prize, June '24My Tinbergen biography was shortlisted for the Boerhaave Prize (best scientific biography of the past three years) next to great books about Erasmus and an amazing double-biography of Paul Ehrenfest and Tatiana Afanassjewa. But only in the Tinbergen book you get a discussion of all three, lots on Paul Ehrenfest as PhD advisor and life-coach to Jan, the feminist challenge by Tatiana and her daughter Anna Galinka Ehrenfest, as well as the Erasmian roots of Tinbergen's Remonstrantist beliefs ;-)
Turkish State Planning Organisation, Oct. 2023Alp Yenen and Erik-Jan Zurcher have published a wonderful popular history of Republican Turkey in 100 Fragments. I have contributed a short chapter on the founding of the State Planning Organisation, with which Tinbergen was intimately involved.
Symposium on Tinbergen biography at TSEG, September 2023The TSEG - The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History has a symposium on my Tinbergen biography in Dutch, with contributions from Aad Blok, Ad Knotter, Alfred Kleinknecht, Leen Hoffman & Jan Pronk and a response from my end.
Reading Tinbergen at the Royal Economics Society, January 2023The Royal Economics Society just published its 200th Newsletter, with an interesting Angus Deaton interview and an article looking back on Tinbergen's legacy by me.
Hayek Program Podcast on Tinbergen and the Rise of Economic Expertise, August 2022The Hayek Program podcast featured a symposium with Sandra Peart (Richmond) and Michele Alacevich (Bologna) on my Tinbergen book, we especially discuss the position and dangers of elevated economic expertise.
United Nations Forum on Tinbergen, September 2021The Dutch society for the United Nations has featured a retrospective by yours truly on Tinbergen's work and enthusiasm for the United Nations as the truly global organization.
Book Launch 'Jan Tinbergen and the Rise of Economic Expertise' w/ James Heckman, Esther-Mirjam Sent, Philip Hans Franses and Arjo Klamer, June 2021Tinbergen en het Bevolkingsvraagstuk, June 2021In het tijdschrift Demos van het NIDI schreef ik over de worstelingen van Tinbergen met het bevolkingsvraagstuk en zijn controversiele inspiratiebronnen waaronder een Duitse nazi-wetenschapper.
Op-Ed in Volkskrant on Expertise, May 2021Op-ed in which I argue that scientific expertise should serve society, not the state. I argue that the position of the expert institutes in the Netherlands such as the RIVM and the CPB makes this hard, so close to the state make this virtually impossible. With reference to the night-train critique of Tinbergen's first model.
NRC Interview on Tinbergen, May 2021Interview with Bart Funnekotter of NRC on Tinbergen, his work and disappointments.
Interview Kelder & Co over biografie, May 2021Zaterdag 8 mei ging ik in gesprek met Jort Kelder over de relevantie van Tinbergen aan de hand van mijn boek 'Jan Tinbergen: Een Econoom op zoek naar Vrede' (Boom). Vanaf heden verkrijgbaar.
D.B. Jochems 'In de collegebanken bij Professor Tinbergen', May 2021In het Liber Amicorum 'Gedeelde Herinneringen' uit 1993 hebben veel van Tinbergens studenten en medewerkers hun persoonlijke herinneringen met Tinbergen gedeeld. Tijdens mijn onderzoek heb ik nog weer anderen gesproken, waaronder D.B. Jochems die ook zijn ervaringen heeft opgetekend.
Tinbergen and Postwar Reconstruction, May 2021Tinbergen and the his role in the Reconstruction after WWII covered in the Dutch newspaper 'De Telegraaf' on May 4th.
Tinbergen and the United Nations, April 2021De Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Verenigde Naties (NVVN) publiceert een speciaal dossier met 75 verhalen over de VN ter ere van het 75-jarig bestaan. Mijn bijdrage beschrijft Tinbergen's bijdrage aan de VN.
Tinbergen and Covid-19, Nov. 2020How would Tinbergen have responded to the COVID-19 Crisis.
My reflections (in Dutch) at the celebration of 75 years of Central Planning Bureau. TPEDigitaal publiceerde de uitgesproken tekst. Tinbergen en de Polder, Juni 2020Themanummer van de Economisch-Statistische Berichten 'Draagvlak onder Druk' over expertise in de politiek en de nalatenschap van Tinbergen. Met bijdragen van onder anderen Kim Putters (SCP), Henk Don, Paul de Beer, Mariette Hamer, Sheila Sitalsingh en mijzelf.
5 Lessen van Tinbergen voor nu, Dec. 2019
Artikel van mijn hand in Trouw van 7 december 2010 over wat het werk van Tinbergen ons heden ten dage nog te vertellen heeft. Vijf lessen van Tinbergen die vijftig jaar na dato nog actueel zijn.
BNR Podcast serie over TinbergenBijna alle aspecten van het werk van Tinbergen komen langs van zijn werk als beleidsadviseur tot zijn idealen over internationale rechtvaardigheid en ontwikkeling en niet te vergeten de race tussen scholing en technologie in deze tiendelige podcastserie.
Jan Tinbergen won 50 jaar geleden de allereerste Nobelprijs voor de economie. Wat kunnen we van hem leren, nu en in de toekomst? Deze podcast is een samenwerking tussen BNR en ESB. Hosts: Eline Ronner en Jasper Lukkezen. Material History and Jan Tinbergen, December 2019An article and interview from Erasmus Magazine that showcases some of the material history at the Erasmus University.
Tinbergen Today Platform, January 2019 |
Academic work on TinbergenTinbergen and Economics as Science for the State, June '24This paper in the History of Political Economy argues that Tinbergen's first macro-econometric model from 1936 can be productively understood as a continuation of the 19th century tradition of Staatswissenschaften (sciences of/for the state). This framing reinforces the history currently being written about economics as a (social) engineering science. To me it is also evidence of the deep history of entanglement between statecraft and economics, as distinct from for interesting the recurring claim that economics became an autonomous science. By exploring the continuities between Tinbergen's model and Staatswissenschaften it becomes clear that his model (and econometrics more broadly) is far of a new start (or revolutionary change), but an extension of state governance to novel domains, such as economic stability.
Book Symposium on Jan Tinbergen and the Rise of Economic Expertise at EJPE, December '22The Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics invited Thomas Kayzel, Mariana Martuaga, Francesco Louca, Mauro Boianovsky, William Peden, Jon Murphy and Michele Alecevich to write critical responses to my book on Tinbergen. I had the opportunity to, in turn, respond to their thoughts. The discussion deepened my understanding of technocracy, the dangers and possibilities of expertise as well as the limits of Tinbergen's development economics.
Article: Tinbergen and Thinking in Orders, August 2022An underlying theme of my book on Tinbergen is that he should not be read as an equilibrium theorist or neoclassical economist, but that much of his work is more fruitfully understood as political economy. This new article in History of Political Economy develops that argument in detail and suggests that Tinbergen thought in terms of institutional order, much like his ordoliberal (German) contemporaries. Along the way I lay out his vision of a truly international economic order, an ideal which was once upon a time shared by liberals on the right and left.
Article: Tinbergen in Turkey, March 2022History of Political Economy will have a special issue on travelling economists. I have contributed a paper that looks at Jan Tinbergen's role in the founding of the State Planning Organization in Turkey, modelled after the Dutch CPB. The article argues that from the very start the organization was a contested and politicized institution within Turkish politics, as well as within the international political context. It traces Tinbergen's only partially successful effort to navigate these tensions and create some autonomy for the organization. The article concludes with some reflections on how Tinbergen learned from his experiences in Turkey.
Translation of Tinbergen's "Mathematical Psychology' July 2021Together with my EUR colleagues Conrad Heilmann, Stefan Wintein and Ruth Hinz we translated one of the key articles in Tinbergen's oeuvre 'Matematiese Psychologie' as 'Mathematical Psychology, which contains in early form many of his key ideas on measurements, experiments, a just income distribution and the no-envy principle. It is now out in the Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics. The issue also features an essay contextualizing his contributions on the no-envy principle by Conrad Heilmann and Stefan Wintein.
Tinbergen on European and World Integration, Jan. 2021New chapter by me on the thoughts on economic integration at the European and global level. Short version: Tinbergen was afraid that European integration would come at the expense of global economic integration and thus hurt developing countries. Situated in the context of his home-town, The Hague.
Earlier (ungated) version here. Tinbergen and Ragnar Frisch, December 2019Article from me on the entangled careers of Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen who shared the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1969 in the Erasmus Journal of Philosophy and Economics.
"It has been 50 years since the first Nobel Prize in economics was awarded to Jan Tinbergen and Ragnar Frisch. This article analyzes the collaborations between these pioneers of econometrics which spanned four decades and various subfields in economics, based on records of their correspondence." Special Issue on Tinbergen De Economist, Sept. 2019A special issue on Tinbergen's legacy: 'Jan Tinbergen: Engineering a better world. Celebrating fifty years of Nobel Prizes in economics.' With contributions from James Heckman, Henk Don, Mary Morgan Aart de Zeeuw en Heijdra & Van der Weel.